Health & Safety Policy

1. About this Policy

1.1 We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of staff and anyone affected by our business activities, and to providing a safe and suitable environment for all those attending our premises.

1.2 This policy sets out our arrangements in relation to:

(a) assessment and control of health and safety risks arising from work activities;
(b) preventing accidents and work-related ill health;
(c) consultation with employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
(d) provision and maintenance of a safe workplace and equipment;
(e) information, instruction, training and supervision in safe working methods and procedures;
(f) emergency procedures in cases of fire or other major incident.

1.3 This policy covers all employees, officers, consultants, contractors, casual workers and agency workers.

1.4 This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and we may amend it at any time. We will continue to review this policy to ensure it is achieving its aims.

2. Responsibility For Health And Safety Matters

2.1 Our board of directors (the board) has overall responsibility for health and safety and the operation of this policy. Daniel Puttick is the Principal Health and Safety Officer with day-to-day responsibility for health and safety matters.

2.2 Daniel Puttick will ensure that this policy is reviewed annually.

3. Your Responsibilities

3.1 All staff share responsibility for achieving safe working conditions. You must take care of your own health and safety and that of others, observe applicable safety rules and follow instructions for the safe use of equipment.

3.2 You should report any health and safety concerns immediately to your line manager or to Daniel Puttick.

3.3 You must co-operate with managers on health and safety matters, including the investigation of any incident.

3.4 Failure to comply with this policy may be treated as misconduct and dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure.

4. Information and Consultation

4.1 We will inform and consult directly with all staff regarding health and safety matters.

4.2 We will ensure any health and safety representatives receive the appropriate training to carry out their functions effectively.

4.3 Daniel Puttick is responsible for informing and consulting employees about health and safety matters.

5. Training

5.1 We will ensure that you are given adequate training and supervision to perform your work competently and safely.

5.2 Staff will be given a health and safety induction and provided with appropriate safety training, which may include manual handling.

6. Equipment

6.1 You must use equipment in accordance with any instructions given to you. Any equipment fault or damage must immediately be reported to your line manager.

6.2 No member of staff should attempt to repair equipment unless trained to do so.

6.3 Daniel Puttick is responsible for ensuring equipment safety and maintenance.

7. Accidents and First Aid

7.1 Details of first aid facilities and the names of trained first aiders are displayed on the notice boards.

7.2 All accidents and injuries at work, however minor, should be reported to Daniel Puttick and recorded in the Accident Book is in the main office and on the wall within a holder.

7.3 Daniel Puttick is responsible for investigating any injuries or work-related disease, preparing and keeping accident records, and for submitting reports to the relevant authorities if required under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).

8. National Health Alerts

8.1 In the event of an epidemic or pandemic alert we will organise our business operations and provide advice on steps to be taken by staff, in accordance with official guidance, to reduce the risk of infection at work as far as possible. Any questions should be referred to your line manager.

8.2 It is important for the health and safety of all our staff that you comply with instructions issued in these circumstances.

9. Fire Safety

9.1 All staff should familiarise themselves with the fire safety instructions, which are displayed near fire exits in the workplace.

9.2 If you hear a fire alarm, leave the building immediately by the nearest fire exit and go to the fire assembly point. The first assembly point is located to the right of Thorens House. Upon exiting the building, converge by the bin housing unit on Mulberry Drive. Do not stop to collect belongings and do not use the lifts. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so.

9.3 If you discover a fire do not attempt to tackle it unless it is safe and you have been trained or feel competent to do so. You should operate the nearest fire alarm and, if you have sufficient time, call reception and report the location of the fire.

9.4 Nominated individuals will be trained in the correct use of fire extinguishers.

9.5 You should notify your manager if there is anything (for example, impaired mobility) that might impede your evacuation in the event of a fire. A personal evacuation plan will be drawn up and brought to the attention of colleagues working in your vicinity.

9.6 A fire alarm test will take place every Friday at 11am, you do not need to evacuate. However, fire drills will be held at least every 12 months and must be taken seriously.

9.7 Daniel Puttick is responsible for ensuring fire risk assessments are undertaken and implemented, and for ensuring regular checks of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, escape routes and emergency lighting.

10. Risk Assessments and Measures to Control Risk

10.1 We carry out general workplace risk assessments periodically. The purpose is to assess the risks to health and safety of employees, visitors and other third parties as a result of our activities, and to identify any measures that need to be taken to control those risks.

10.2 Measures will be taken to avoid or reduce the need to lift or carry items which could cause injury (manual handling) and to provide training on manual handling as necessary. 10.3 The use of hazardous substances at work will be avoided wherever possible and less hazardous alternatives will be used where available. Training on the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) will be provided as necessary.

10.4 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided where there are risks that cannot be adequately controlled by other means.

10.6 Daniel Puttick responsible for workplace risk assessments and any measures to control risks.

11. Computers and Display Screen Equipment

11.1 If you use a computer screen or other display screen equipment (DSE) habitually as a significant part of your work:

(a) You should try to organise your activity so that you take frequent short breaks from looking at the screen.
(b) You are entitled to a workstation assessment.
(c) You are entitled to an eyesight test by an optician at our expense.

11.2 You should contact your manager to request a workstation assessment or an eye test. Eye tests should be repeated at regular intervals as advised by the optician, usually every two years. However, if you develop eye problems which may be caused by DSE work (such as headaches, eyestrain, or difficulty focusing) you can request a further eye test at any time.

11.3 We will not normally pay for glasses or contact lenses, unless your vision cannot be corrected by normal glasses or contact lenses and you need special glasses designed for the display screen distance. In such cases we will pay the cost of basic corrective appliances only.

11.4 Further information on the use of DSE can also be obtained from Daniel Puttick.

Queries, Amendments & Review

Any queries should be addressed to a Director of Links Recruitment Group. Any amendments will be notified by revision of this document.

This policy will be reviewed periodically.